If God asked you, “what are your intentions with my daughter”, what would you say? Before you search Google for a good answer, remember that this God knows and sees all things, so you can’t fool ‘em. But really, ask yourself this question. What are your intentions with that girl you are dating or that girl that you are pursuing right now? If God heard your honest answer, would He be pleased?
This verse does not mean that any and every male person should be looking for a wifey. Rather, God says these words about Adam at a particular stage in his life, after he has reached a certain level of maturity. In this blog, we shall journey to better understand exactly what made Adam ready for Eve and what lessons we brothers can learn from this story.
Let’s start by considering God’s goal here. He says that He will make a “helper” suitable for Adam. What did Adam need help with? That is the priceless question. It is a question of purpose. It is a question of vocation. It is a question that requires God’s revelation for an answer. Let’s work our way backwards and see if we can figure out why Adam needed help.
From verse 15, we learn that “God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” In other words, Adam was given territory and work to do in it. The Garden of Eden represents a particular field of work; not merely a career field or a 9 to 5 at Sporting Goods(which is wonderful), but an area of vocation/a place of calling. The same way God made man to work and take care of the Garden of Eden, He made you for a particular purpose and possibly a life partner to join you in carrying it out.
In the next verse, God gives Adam a command to let Him know how He should live; “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (Gen. 2:16-17) What does this tell us? Not only is it necessary to have knowledge of our purpose, but it is important that we have and are receiving direction from God. What direction has God given you for your life?
It doesn’t make sense to look for a life partner, if you don’t know your life’s purpose.
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#photoshoppedstudtho #myspaceprofile #Godhasbroughtmealongway |
Brothers, I was there. I remember the days when “having a girl” meant you were that dude, and I wanted to be a “we dem boyz” type of brother too. So I taught myself how to talk all cool, say all the right things, and wink with my hellos (worked almost every time). My motivation for going to church when I was younger was to find me a 'bad' church girl. Sunday school teacher said we shouldn't be unequally yoked and puberty had me thirsty for somebody to kiss on, so I meshed the two and tried my luck. While my weak game didn't work in church, it proved successful in middle school. Selfishly, I made false promises and used girls to satisfy pleasures of my flesh. 'Love' had no business in my business unless I was using the word to seal the deal with someone.
Can you imagine if your daughter or sister came to you and said she was dating a boy like the one I just described? A guy who could care less about her except for the fact that she gives his left hand a break once a week(if you didn't get that, more power to you). Let me take it a step further. What if this kind of guy got your daughter or sister pregnant? What would you do to that guy if you got your hands on him?
Can you imagine how God, who strategically, creatively, lovingly and purposefully made His daughters, feels when He sees His own sons, acting like wild animals and treating His daughters like disposable rags.
During the spring semester of my senior year in high school, God first made it clear to me that I was not treating His daughters the way they ought to be treated. He taught me to consider all women as either mother or sister (this made checking out girls' backsides really uncomfortable). At this time, I was in a relationship and God showed that I had strayed far from Him. I was a little boy pretending to be a man in a relationship I had no business being in. As the end of high school drew near, God began to shift my focus. Gradually, the thrill of my childish ways faded, and became concerned with the idea of purpose.
Realizing that the Creator knows the purpose for His creation, I started seeking God like never before, for these answers. As God slowly revealed these things to me, it became very clear that the relationship I was in was toxic for both parties involved. What she wanted out of life, I wasn't too concerned with, and what I began to yearn for didn’t make sense to her. After a tough break up, I made a vow to God. I told Him that I was done playing games, I was done chasing after girls, and that I would not pursue another woman unless He gave me the green light that she was the wife that He intended for me.
For some, singleness is a lifelong blessing. For others, it is a temporary one; one in which God is preparing you and your life partner to carry out your joint life purpose. Embrace this time. Don't let your urges put you in compromising situations. Don't be fooled by a 'shawty is a 10' type of sister; her body might be tight, but make sure her heart's right. Don’t let the world rush you into settling for just anyone. Don’t let society tell you that singleness is a sign of inadequacy. Don't let pressure from family members cloud your vision. And if all ya homies are wifed up and
Adam and Eve received one another because they had a joint purpose, but it didn’t happen until Adam awoke, recognized her, and pursued what he knew was his. When God brought the animals to Adam, he found no suitable helper among them; not only because the parts didn’t fit, but because their purposes didn’t match up. The animals could not help Adam be the man God called him to be, and neither could Adam help any of the animals be what God created them to be.
But when Eve entered the scene, there was no doubt. Adam knew his wife because he knew himself. He knew himself because he knew God. So seek God diligently, and come to terms with who you are and why you are. And if it pleases Him to do so, God will bring you your life partner, at His appointed time. You will see her and you will know. You will not be a finished product, but you will be ready to grow with your partner towards beginning a God-centered, God-focused, and purpose driven marriage.
Four months after I had made my vow, God brought Ella and I together in our home church. She had swollen eyes from crying the night before (looked like she had gotten out of the Thrilla in Manila), yet she was more beautiful than I had ever remembered her to be. For the first time in my life, I was drawn to someone’s virtues rather than their appearance. We hadn’t spoken for years and we weren't on the greatest of terms, yet God made a 3 minute conversation (about nothing) after that church service on June 24, 2012 the beginning of a new chapter in both of our lives.
As I look forward to and wait for the day when I am to be joined with Ella before God, family, friends, and even strangers (you know how Africans get down) in Holy Matrimony, I intend on building the habit of chasing God and never becoming complacent in my relationship with Him. That way in marriage, Ella will never have to relate submission to weakness because she'll know, wholeheartedly, that the head of the household's heart is wholly God's. I intend on constantly growing in my capacity to love her with that sacrificial love that puts the self to the side. That way in marriage, I can love her as Christ unconditionally and selflessly loves the church. I intend on learning her: her strengths, her weaknesses, her desires, her aspirations, her fears, her pet peeves, her habits, her unconscious tendencies, her thoughts on a matter as expressed by her facial expressions, her feelings as shown by her tone of voice, etc. I intend on practicing purity and pursuing holiness with her, ensuring that I don't lead her on and being open and honest when I am feeling weak. I intend on praying with and for her, as we pursue God together. I intend on studying the Bible with her, sharing interpretations to gain a deeper understanding of our massive God. I intend on wining and dining her with no desires of her wining for me. And on a side note, I intend on expanding my cooking repertoire, so that the lil' Asamoah-Duodus aren't stuck with Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Vanilla flavored Almond Milk (the greatest) when mama's away at one her seminars or preaching conferences ;)
Peace & Love,
HERE'S THE LINK!: http://www.amazon.com/dp/ASIN https://books2read.com/u/3LrB7D
HERE'S THE LINK!: http://www.amazon.com/dp/ASIN https://books2read.com/u/
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