All of the pressure that you put on a man to be perfect is a reflection of your incomplete, lukewarm relationship with God. God is the only one that can make you whole. If you go into the relationship as an incomplete person, you've already destroyed the relationship before it truly begins. No one can take the pressure of being someone's god, that’s why God alone is sovereign. Therefore you bring nothing to the relationship but stress and frustration. Your relationship with God should always be a priority, it's the foundation to every area of your life. If God is indeed Love, then God's love needs to be made whole in you before you can love another human being, who is meeting you with their own baggage.
"If They Can Control Your Emotions, They Can Control Your Life."
From experience I know that it's very easy for us to make our men our god, placing them on a pedestal that only has room for God. What ends up happening is, you hold him responsible for things that he has no control over. For example, peace, restoration and joy but God is the only supplier for that. Don’t get me wrong, being loved by the right one is life-changing, but they will have their bad days. So, when you have them positioned as the god in your life, there's no room for grace. They’ll feel like they always have to be on 10, they can never mess up. I know, we’ve heard that the man should be our superman, which is fine but let him be a human being too. Sometimes we see a Godly man, and expect him to be God Himself. Meaning, no mistakes, no breaks, no flaws, no issues, no weakness the list goes on! Just because he’s a Godly man doesn’t mean there’s no room for error, it just means that just as you are fighting daily to be more like Christ , so is he. In that kind of environment the love cannot grow, in fact you suffocate it. You'll begin to wonder why you're not happy, overlooking all the good that they are able to do, because you're so focused on your expectations of them being your superman, the source of your happiness, and ultimately your god. Humans were created for worship, so it's very easy for us to become obsessed with someone or something. But you were commanded to guard our heart (Proverbs 4:23) and guarding your heart becomes extremely difficult, if you’re giving a human being power that only belongs to God.
I've learned that for God to be the foundation, my eyes have to be focused on Him(Jesus) not him (David). Okay… that sounded pretty spiritual and not practical. Basically all of the attention that you’re giving to him, the constant worship, the fact that you can’t wait to find an opportunity to praise him in front of everyone but you praise God only in private...that has to stop. It's extremely toxic to your spirit and the health of the relationship. When my relationship with God is off, then my relationship with David is completely off. It directly affects us because I'm spiritually frustrated, and so the littlest things irritate me and no amount of words of affirmation or hugs can fix that.
"Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the Lord." - Jeremiah 17:5
In some cases, women make the man their god before they even meet him. A relationship won't make you whole, don't desire it more than you desire God. A man, a relationship will not answer the cry of your soul, although it can drown out the noise for some time but not for long. Remember that he is a human being just like you, He's not Jesus. His goal should be to grow in his assignment to love you just as Christ loves his church (when he’s your husband). But you have to make room for him to grow, Jesus loves the Church as His bride so much that It was worth his life. Newsflash: No one is born with that amount of love! So be full of grace, love and encouragement, it will promote the growth of Christ-like Love! I think that If you can't draw a line between your expectations for God and your expectations from your partner then, you’ve probably given him the place of God in your life. You can't expect him to have all the answers sometimes he just doesn’t know, and you need to be fine with that and carry the same grace God gives you. It is unfair to him, just because you allowed your spiritual well to run dry doesn’t mean your significant other should quench your thirst.

Interestingly enough you get into a relationship thinking you're finally about to be happy, but then months go by and you find yourself just as miserable as you were before. Fact: No man should ever take the place of God, not when he’s your boyfriend, your fiance or husband - it doesn’t matter how the title changes God should still be sovereign in your life. You can respect and honor him without making him an idol. You'll find yourself resenting him and creating problems that aren’t even there! Don’t suck the life out of your relationship, you’ll both be way happier and comfortable when you allow God to be God, all by Himself. No one should have that much power over you! When you give people that kind of power, they will misuse and abuse it.. Which will result in them abusing you and leaving you when they're tired of playing the role of god in your life. Jesus is the only Prince of Peace, so let Him be your main and only source of peace.
Signs: (may not be the same for you, identify yours!)
- Spending more time with him than God.
- Relying solely on him for happiness.
- Expecting him to "make" you feel loved by him allllllll the time.
- Expecting him to read your mind and know your most deepest desires.. (When you haven’t even voiced them).
- Exaggerating their every move & mistakes with your imaginary magnifying glass.
- They have the power to turn your day upside down with just a single word.
- Finding yourself angry at him when he cannot physically be there.
- Overly dependent on him (only God can handle that pressure).
- You feel like your life is falling apart when he's too busy to spend time with you.
- Thinking of ways to better your relationship more than your relationship with God.
“You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them” (Ex. 20:3–5)
I Love y'all!! & Jesus loves you sooo much more,
ReplyDeleteWow, thanks for being so raw and real Ella...definite eye opener.
ReplyDelete-Nana Yaa
Well said Ella! Totally agree
ReplyDeleteThank you so much sis!!
DeleteWow this was my story & helps me understand why my last relationship failed. I did love him very much but put too much pressure on him.
ReplyDeleteGod is always on time. I am currently reading your devotional on you version. This entire post ministered to my soul. I completely put God on the back burner is this relationship.