

Can you smell my house?! my house hasn't been smelling too good lately, 
Yet still, I have this hope ‘cause God gives grace greatly, 
But I must admit, this self-examination's got me second guessing my salvation, 
Like I know He’s all-sufficient, but can Doctor really fix this patient, 
Because this mess, it took long time to make it, 
So it only makes sense that this curse, it should take a long time to break it, 
And I wonder, does Dr. Jesus really have the patience, 
Now here I am, sitting in this pit, feeling like a prophet in training, 
I said I’m sitting in this PIT, feeling like a Prophet In Training, 
I’m looking for the Son, but these days, its always raining, 

Yeah, this house, hasn't been smelling too good these days, 
That's why I need spring cleaning, like how He cleaned out the tomb on the third day, 
A new beginning, like how you came out the womb on your birthday, 
But instead, I'm like, give me what's mine Lord, forget this life, I gotta go
Yet the Father happily welcomes me back like the son who was a prodigal, 
In my darkest room was where I used to love to fornicate, 
Playing devil’s advocate when it came to the great porn debate, 
Holiness was unachievable, my life, unredeemable, 
But what God came and did was nothing short of unforeseeable, 
He made me whole and set me free, 
When I was yet a sinner, Christ died for me, 

It seemed like this house would never smell of sweet aroma,

And it was only a matter of time before it reached its own foreclosure,
That's when He tore this house down and built it the way it was supposed to be, 
Now I'm on the market, but I'm not for sale, I’m just here to showcase His glory,
And just in case sin tries to come back to dismiss me, 
My doors are covered with the Lamb's blood, so like the 10th plague in Egypt, death’s just gon’ have to miss me, 
Like Job, I’ve made a covenant with my eyes, 
And also with my hands, my tongue, my mind and my heart, 
My focus is on the finish line, and I won’t be dismayed by my shaky start, 
The price of this new house is a cost that I can't afford,
But by the grace of God, I can now declare that me and my house, We shall serve the Lord. 

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